
Luka Bönisch

Illustrated essays and stories about spiritual awakening and the art of living. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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🌌 The Only Fool Who Doesn’t Become Wise Is the One Who Isn’t Foolish Enough

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! The Only Fool Who Doesn’t Become Wise Is the One Who Isn’t Foolish Enough 🤡 If you want to read this article in a browser, click here: The Only Fool Who Doesn’t Become Wise Is the One Who Isn’t Foolish Enough “The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.” — William Blake You’ve heard this one. Whether you understood it or not, you know it sounds wise. Perhaps Mr. Blake here has followed his own advice and has become...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! Feeding Your Creative Demon, the Simple Way 👹 If you want to read this article in a browser, click here: Feeding Your Creative Demon, the Simple Way If there were a meaning to life (there isn’t) then it would be to create. I use the word create here in the broadest way. As broad as your field of vision — immeasurably broad. So when I say create I don’t mean you need to create something “material” as in a statue or a book or...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday!In case you've missed the good news, I published a book about our true nature. (Fear not, it's not too late.) Click here to get it on Amazon, or Click here to get it directly from meOkay, enough promotion. Let's see what I have to say today. Life Is Never About Improving Yourself, Only About Accepting Yourself 🤍 For a long time, I unknowingly believed that the goal was to fix all the aspects of myself I deemed less than...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! You Don't Have Free Will, You Are Free Will 🕊️ If you want to read this article in a browser, click here: You Don't Have Free Will, You Are Free Will The question of whether we have free will or not is usually considered one of the biggies. But anyone who spends some time thinking about this will realize that it’s actually not that mysterious. I’m not sure if there is still debate about this. Most likely there is. If we’d...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! If you feel like laughing, you might want to check out my latest comedic pieces on Medium: I Was Told I Could Become Everything, So I Did — Literally Perhaps I Shouldn’t Have Gone to That Meditation Retreat On to today's subject matter. The Importance of Dreaming Well 💭 If you want to read this article in a browser, click here: The Importance of Dreaming Well Let’s briefly forget this whole awakening business and focus on...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! Top-down or Bottom-up? 🏔️ If you want to read this article in a browser, click here: Top-down or Bottom-up? If you've been with me for a while, you might have noticed that I talk about two approaches here. On the one hand, I prattle on about the fact that your true nature is that always present undeniable awareness and all you need to “do” is glimpse it and then keep glimpsing it until you can't be swayed anymore. That is...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! How to Get All You Ever (Truly) Wanted 🌈 If you want to read this piece in a browser, click here: How to Get All You Ever (Truly) Wanted Let's assume you have all the survival needs covered. You have shelter, food, …well, that's basically it. Now, what do you want? Everything you want from here on out is not because you need it. Through an intricate mechanism of countless factors, a desire has arisen in you. Suddenly you...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! Before we get into today's "serious" stuff, here is another Satire piece I published on Medium: The Subtle Art of Always Being Right You Can Get Off the Vomit Treadmill Now 🤮 If you want to read this piece in a browser, click here: You Can Get Off the Vomit Treadmill Now This world we live in, apart from being fun and entertaining, is insane. By world, I don’t mean the world of trees and rivers and fluttering sparrows. I...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! Stop Defending Yourself and Take the Hit 👊 If you want to read this piece in a browser, click here: Stop Defending Yourself and Take the Hit You’re not as smart/good/kind/beautiful as you think. If that rubbed you in the wrong way, then it’s because that’s part of your self-identity. I don’t mean that being smart/good/kind/beautiful is part of your self-identity (though it might be) but the fear that you might not be...

Hey Friend! Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday! The Two Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself❔ If you want to read this piece in a browser, click here: The Two Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself “Quietly yearning for what you don’t have while dreading losing what you do. For 99.9% of your race that is the definition of reality. Desire and fear baby.” — The Analyst, Matrix Resurrections (Yes, I'm quoting the Matrix movie no one apparently liked.) What do I really...