
Hi! I'm Luka.

🌌 Why Being Your Authentic Self Seems So Difficult, What Facing Reality Means

Published over 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 4 min read

Hey Friend!

Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday!
Wow, two mails in two weeks? Someone's inspired.
Below you'll find a topic I've already written about in a previous mail but this time there's a link to an expanded essay included.


Why Being Your Authentic Self Seems So Difficult 😫

​Being your authentic self should be the easiest thing in the world, and it would be if the world wouldn’t do such a fantastic job at convincing each one of us that being yourself is the last thing you should be.
How does the world do it?
Simple. From a young age, the world conditions us to crave approval, security, and control. And as soon as we’re addicted to approval, security, and control we’re pretty easy to puppeteer.
Someone doesn’t like what you’re doing? Time to punish yourself by feeling bad. Not sure if others will approve of you when you start being authentic? Might as well lie about who you are and what you are about, and instead of being and doing what resonates with you deeply, you start tuning your song to other people. You might not like the song you’re playing, but hey, at least other people like it, right?
If we put it this way, it seems silly, and it is. But it’s also the norm, which doesn’t mean it’s less silly. It just means that silliness is the norm.
Now the question is why do we succumb to silliness when we know that it’s silly and doesn’t serve the most important person in your life β€” you?
The answer is fear.
Fear is natural. You can’t avoid fear. Fear beckons you to look closer. And, of course, in rare circumstances, fear is a justified response of your body; for example, when you’re in the middle of the road and a truck is approaching at high speed, fear could be the signal to get out of the way.
This doesn’t mean that the majority of fear is to be judged and condemned. It means that most of our fears are a mental story we’re telling ourselves with no substance β€” the fear is empty; it’s fear of nothing, which is akin to the fear of non-existence, no self, or death.
But still, fear, even the fear that holds us back from living life intensely, has an effect, a protective effect. Fear builds an invisible barrier around your artificial self β€” the you you think you are β€” and protects you from unwanted intruders. But by doing so, we not only keep unwanted intruders out but friends as well. A closed door will keep enemy and friend out alike.
If you want to read the rest of this article, feel free click here: Why Being Your Authentic Self Seems So Difficult​


What Facing Reality Means 🌊

I'm working on a piece about facing reality and feel like sharing a little snippet:
Facing reality doesn't mean wallowing in the gutters of your seemingly real problems by perpetuating their emotional energy.
​Many of us assume it means believing the thoughts and emotions that give us shit the whole day about not having achieved our desired life yet. But that's just paying attention to the unwanted story, which, of course, is not reality.
Reality is not concepts. Reality is what's left when you look behind concepts. It sounds easy but usually, it's anything but easy.
The good news though is that it's simple.
It's 1. using the power of your focus to think things through without the influence of your emotions. And 2. looking in your direct experience and seeing that subject/object division isn't actually to be found in direct experience.
Under step 1 you use logic to disprove the existence of anything (at least in the way of what we usually think of existing). See that a world outside of your perception isn't possible.
Most of us take it for granted that we are single individual mostly hairless apes playing with each other inside a world with which we interact. But that's neither feasible nor possible.
​Note: Some of you reading this might be thinking that saying this is crazy talk but the reason you're thinking this is because you haven't spent time seriously questioning your most fundamental assumptions. I'm not saying that you should believe me. I'm saying to really think about this. Can there be an objective world? Not is there one but can there be one?
​Most of us accept that the world is not concepts (thoughts/words about the world) but most of us also don't take it to its full conclusion.​
To pour some oil into your fire that is soon to envelop the whole world, you can use step 2.
Step 2 is looking directly into your experience to see if you can confirm the existence of a self aka you and the existence of a perceiver perceiving perceptions.
This means taking a fresh new look at what you assumed so far to be real and questioning the whole foundation on which your belief system is built.
Eventually, this together will make you aware that there is no you in the sense in which we usually think of "you's" and two that there's nothing outside Consciousness. Consciousness is all there and that is. A reminder: The word Consciousness is not the point here.
Stop listening to the guy next to you spoiling the show and start paying attention to the actual show -- it's a good one.


Quote πŸ“œβ€‹


"Take a hard look at these beliefs, for the mere realization that they are beliefs, conclusions, and prejudices and not reflections of reality will cause them to drop." ― Anthony De Mello


Endnote 🎬


I hope you enjoyed this issue of the Wake Up Wednesday. Feel free to reply and tell me what you think.​
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Much Love,



Are you willing to challenge your self so that you can live the life you are meant to live? Yes? Then take the first step, which is actually just clicking on the link: 101 Steps For Transformation​


P.S. If you enjoy reading the Wake Up Wednesday and want to support my work through a donation. You can do so by clicking on the button below. πŸ’™




Hi! I'm Luka.

Illustrated essays and stories about spiritual awakening and the art of living. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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