
Hi! I'm Luka.

🌌 Love Doesn't Hurt, Attachments Do

Published 11 months agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

Hey Friend!

Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday!


Love Doesn't Hurt, Attachments Do πŸ’”


That love hurts is one of the assumptions no one likes but we all take for granted. But why does love hurt? Why is the one thing that, poetically speaking, has the power to transcend time and space causing so much pain?
Because it’s not love we are speaking about, it’s attachment.
Some people will probably hate what I write here and let me tell you I was not a fan of this either. It took me a while to truly come to terms with it. What we habitually describe as love is not love at all because if it hurts it stops being love and turns into something else.
Part of the problem is that we’re brought up with the belief that love hurts and that sooner or later everyone you love will hurt you. But it isn’t love that hurts, it’s our attachment to the object of our love.
Let’s look at this closely. Surely, at some point in time, you’ve been in love with someone. And if that person really has fit your shopping list, you might’ve even fallen madly in love with that someone.
Now, how did that feel? Was it a calm and peaceful state of gratitude? Probably not.
Most definitely, it was a strong cocktail of desire and anxiety. Desire to own this person, to make it yours, and the accompanying anxiety about losing this person. And this, most of the time, leads to nasty behavior in the form of trying to control the other person.
Add to this all kinds of paranoid suspicions about your partner and you got yourself a real mess on your hands.
Let me ask you, do you really believe that love should look like the emotional drama most of us are entrenched in with the people we apparently care so much about?


If you want to read the rest of this essay, click here: Love Doesn't Hurt, Attachments Do​


A Very Subtle And Devious Belief ☁️


There is something that I wish someone would have told me earlier when I started trying to figure out what is going on here. This something is a very subtle and very devious belief, which is at the root of all our seeking, trying, searching, and hoping.
It's the belief that there is some other, better, more permanent place/state we can get to.
This belief is so subtle and subconscious that mostly we're not aware of it operating. This belief makes you look for something, someone, somewhere else.
It might show itself as a looking for a place of permanently feeling good. Not only is most of the spiritual seeking directed at the seeking of this place, but also all of the chasing after desires and pleasures and achievements.
This is pure fantasy.
It's a misdirected search at its finest. You will see this belief operating whenever you are looking for something else but here. When you feel like something is off with what is and you try to get out of what is.
This is a core belief you have to see through. Otherwise, you'll never recognize that what is is already all there is, and you'll keep having this subtle search for something else, which you can never find because it doesn't exist.
Where is the proof for this magical place of permanence and forever feeling good?
What if you were to abandon this belief along with the accompanying search? Then what would be wrong? What would you need to find? Where would you need to go?
What if by abandoning this fantasy, you'll discover something more profound, something your fantasy could never reach up to?
What if you were to abandon yourself to reality? Then what?


Quote πŸ“œβ€‹


"The waking person must be aware that the nightmare that is their daily life, or even the wonderful dream that is their daily life, will not vanish – Steven Norquist


Endnote 🎬


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Much Love,



Are you willing to challenge your self so that you can live the life you are meant to live? Yes? Then take the first step, which is actually just clicking on the link: 101 Steps For Transformation​


P.S. If you enjoy reading the Wake Up Wednesday and want to support my work through a donation. You can do so by clicking on the button below. πŸ’™



Hi! I'm Luka.

Illustrated essays and stories about spiritual awakening and the art of living. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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