
Hi! I'm Luka.

🌌 How To Really Face Reality

Published about 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 4 min read

Hey Friend!

Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday!


How To Really Face Reality 😐

When we use the expression "face reality," we usually want to tell someone else to stop bullshitting themselves. But do we really know what this really entails? What is reality? How do you face reality? Can you face reality?
Let's see if we can change the meaning of this common expression to fit my own agenda.

How to Not Face Reality

When we talk about facing reality, we basically mean that this deluded person we're addressing should drop their wishful thinking and look at things the way they really are.
But what we're really saying is that this person should look at things from our perspective, as if our perspective is the real reality perspective.
What we tend to be in the dark about, however, is that there is no real perspective.
The ironic thing is that most of us have no idea what looking at things the way they really are really entails. We think it means looking at reality honestly, and we're right. But even if we take this advice, we're not looking at reality honestly. Instead, we look through the lens of society that determines how to live life, what's important, and what we should do.
That's not reality. That's just another, less fun, perception based on a belief system.
​Facing reality doesn't mean wallowing in the gutters of your seemingly real problems by perpetuating their emotional energy.
​Many of us assume it means believing the thoughts and emotions that give us shit the whole day about not having achieved our desired life yet. But that's just buying into the unwanted story, which, of course, is not reality.
This however doesn't mean that you should try hard to convince yourself that everything is fine when it's not. Honesty is your guiding light. If you're suffering, you're suffering, and every attempt at convincing you of the opposite is just another crusty layer assisting you in avoiding your suffering.
Before you can move beyond appearances, you have to be willing to face all appearances. Stop the sugarcoating. Wash the gum out of your eyes, get your flashlight, and start looking into the dark corners you've masterfully avoided your whole life. Claiming that everything is ok, while your house is on fire is the biggest disservice you can do to yourself.
Although this is already a big step, failing to remain vigilant could mean stepping into a big muddy ditch and remaining stuck there. Don't mistake your first honest look for your final honest look. If you suffer because your life sucks, that's ok, or maybe not. Whether it's ok or not ok, you'd be wise not to remain in the dirt.
After acknowledging that you're in the gutter, the next step is not learning to be happy and content in the gutter, but getting your ass out of there.
In the movie The Matrix, Neo "leaves" the matrix and finds himself in a subterranean wasteland controlled by machine overlords. That's your situation after being honest with yourself and leaving your imaginary land of all is well. Now, however, you're in an imaginary land of all is everything but well. Other than Neo, you can decide to keep moving. After all, why would you remain in a place where there is no sun and all you have for food is snotty snot soup?
Reality is not darkness and snot soup. Reality is not concepts. Reality is what's left when you look behind concepts. It sounds easy but usually, it's anything but easy.
The good news though is that it's simple.
If you want to keep reading, feel free to click here: How To Really Face Reality​


Living The Dream πŸ’­


"I started seeing this whole human transport system; me and the same few hundred people I saw every day but never spoke to, just shuttling back and forth like mindless sheep, all with our newspapers, laptops, headsets. I'd think about it, of the whole world stuck in this same huge machine, getting endlessly, pointlessly processed. Old ones falling out and new ones replacing them. Every morning these steel tubes all around the world, carrying millions of people, pumping them like fresh blood into graveyard citites and pumping them back out at night, dirty and tired. Like a brotherhood of sheep, of captivity, of mindlessness, of lives unlived, of empty activity. Everyone, though; not just commuters. Clerks in stores, cops, bus drivers, everyone you see. You get inserted into this machine when you're four or five and you don't come out the other end until your sixties. Once you start seeing this place for the madhouse it is, you can't stop seeing it that way. It's everywhere, everyone. It doesn't make any sense. That's not life. It can't be. I don't know what it is, but it's not life." ― Lisa about her life, Jed McKenna, Spiritual Warfare


Quote πŸ“œβ€‹


"That is Man's destiny - to fight and bleed and faint, and in the end to wake and bind the cleavage in the I with his own flesh and seal it with blood." ― Mikhail Naimy, The Book of Mirdad


Endnote 🎬


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Much Love,



Are you willing to challenge your self so that you can live the life you are meant to live? Yes? Then take the first step, which is actually just clicking on the link: 101 Steps For Transformation​


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Hi! I'm Luka.

Illustrated essays and stories about spiritual awakening and the art of living. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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