
Hi! I'm Luka.

🌌 Don't Get Your House In Order, Burn It Down

Published about 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

Hey Friend!

Happy Wednesday and welcome to another Wake Up Wednesday!


Don't Get Your House In Order, Burn It Down πŸ”₯

Most of us treat our lives like a house that needs to be in perfect order. We have all these corners of our house demanding our attention β€” family, friends, career, health, house, etc. β€” and we are convinced that all these corners deserve our attention.
Not just that, we treat the house as if it’s the master and we’re the servants though we like to believe the opposite. But it doesn’t take much to see that the house dictates our emotional state, or so it seems. But whether it is the case or just seems to be the case, we certainly believe it to be the case.
We think we’re at the mercy of this house, so much so that we identify with the house. We are thoroughly convinced that this house we’re taking care of is us and because we want ourselves to look good, we have to make the house look good.
And because we like positive emotions and dislike negative ones, and because we believe the state of our house determines which emotions we’re worth receiving, we do all kinds of absurd twists and turns so that the house is happy and thus bequeaths us with a meagerly pathetic amount of transient positive emotions.
​The goal, we assume, is to turn these transient positive emotions into lasting ones. To do this, we have to get our house in order. But because the nature of the house is entropy, we have a never-ending task on our hands.
People, things, and experiences enter and leave our house and do whatever they want to the house. So, it’s our job to clean up the mess. And no matter how good of a householder you are, there’s always a mess to clean up.
To read the full article, click here: Don't Get Your House In Order, Burn It Down​


Short Meditations πŸ–‹


This awakening business is like any other business in the sense that some seem more success-prone or in the case of awakening accident-prone. But, like in any other business, everyone can make it. Some just have to put in more effort to become accident-prone.
Feelings are like all natural phenomena -- they sort themselves out (if you don't interfere).
From early on in our lives we're taught to sit still, shut up, behave, and not cause any ruckus -- kindergarten, school, work, church, you name it. And the ones that do cause a ruckus, that stir the pot, usually become leaders or outcasts. But being a leader or outcast shouldn't be the reason to make a ruckus. The reason to make a ruckus should be to claim a life of your own, to walk your own path, to figure out what's what, to claim your birthright. Everything that is authentically desirable is reached by making a ruckus. Question things, or better yet, everything, think for yourself, become the authority in your life. Pick up the arms, scream a battle cry, become a warrior -- a fearless destroyer of worlds.
All judgments come from a base of wrong ideas and are thus false. It's like judging your math skills based on your grammar skills -- it doesn't make sense; it's a different paradigm. Why would the faulty illusionary self be in a position to judge whether itself, or anyone else for that matter, is good or bad or developing correctly or even knows what to do? You don't know! So why would you judge?
Being helpful depends entirely on the one receiving the help. If there is no openness, nothing can help. Similarly, if there is unconditional openness, everything is helpful -- a friend's advice, a book, a painting, a song, a leaf, and yes, even a rude comment by your fiercest enemy.
Effort feels only like effort when you're not in alignment with the deed. In alignment, even a herculean task feels effortless.
A very common mistake is that people associate unpleasantness or pain with disconnection. But there is no need to turn pain into symbols or metaphors.
A particular feeling of openness is not the openness from which feelings arise.


Quote πŸ“œβ€‹


"And save you immolate yourselves before me, you shall not know immunity from the ever-sharpened knives of Death's innumerable butchers. And save my tender fire consume you, you shall be fuel to the cruel fire of Hell." ― Mikhail Naimy, The Book of Mirdad


Endnote 🎬


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Much Love,



Are you willing to challenge your self so that you can live the life you are meant to live? Yes? Then take the first step, which is actually just clicking on the link: 101 Steps For Transformation​


P.S. If you enjoy reading the Wake Up Wednesday and want to support my work through a donation. You can do so by clicking on the button below. πŸ’™




Hi! I'm Luka.

Illustrated essays and stories about spiritual awakening and the art of living. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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